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Seller illustration

For Sellers

Quality Over Quantity. Always.

Do not get lost in the crowd.

Our platform is all about providing quality and genuine listings. So, Views attract buyers of a certain caliber that means business.

We believe that eliminating misinformation and inflated prices will benefit the whole market and decrease sales times.

Also, even though we provide more value-added services we believe that what we offer is not the listing opportunity, what we offer is a deal for your property. So, you do not have to pay anything until you got a deal.

Why Views is better for a potential seller?

  • Our platform is all about providing real, complete, and quality listings so it attracts buyers that means business who is looking for real opportunities.
  • We provide an easy step by step listing flow that guides you to provide all the useful and necessary information.
  • We provide translations for your listings so the buyers can read it on their native language.
  • Are you not confident in photography? We provide a photo service which you only pay when you property is sold.